December 11 #LINCchat Summary: Self-care for Teachers



How would you define work-life balance? What are some quick self-care strategies you use during a typical work day to stay grounded? What can evening teachers do as part of a self-care routine to help them unwind? What policies and procedures should employers have in place to promote employees’ mental health and well-being? What are some strategies we can use to “work smarter”? What are the most common symptoms of burnout? What self-care advice would you give to your colleagues who are feeling stressed? What is one thing you will do to take better care of yourself?  

In this new format, the questions for this #LINCchat were kindly provided by #LINCchat enthusiasts on @Padlet. Thank-you to the educators who found time to share their thoughts about the importance of remembering to practice self-care during the last #LINCchat of 2017:  @StanzaSL, @PSCCESOL, @JoyOfESL, @ram_diane, @shafaqmkhan, @gabyG_jolie@thespreadingoak, @DawnTorvik, @seburnt, @LINCInstructor, @NancyVanDorp, @ElleninSaigon, @SumaBalagopal, @PervinFahim and @tarabenwell. 

I (@jennifermchow) had the privilege of working with Bonnie Jean Nicholas (@EALstories) to moderate #LINCchat for the first time.  

Please find a summary of this chat below. To read it, hover over the Twitter bird next to the subtopics in the image below. The interactive image was made with Canva and ThingLink 

To read all the tweets on this topic, follow the complete discussion HERE.      

New to #LINCchat?   

If you have never participated in #LINCchat before, go to for more information. #LINCchats occur every other Tuesday, with the occasional Friday.  If you have any ideas for topics or have comments about #LINCchat, please send @StanzaSL or @EALstories a tweet or post a message on Tutela. #LINCchat is taking a break until January. See you all again in the new year and let others know about #LINCchat as well. Feel free to use the #LINCchat hashtag between chats to share thoughts and links with others.   

Jen Bio Pic

Jennifer has been teaching in the LINC Program for more than 10 years. She loves using Twitter to stay connected as a mother, an educator and an active citizen. 

Twitter: @jennifermchow

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